Healthcare Design Trends for 2022

Healthcare Design Trends for 2022

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, most industries are implementing new protocols, and many are renovating their space, as a result, in an effort to fit new and ever-changing demands and social standards.

In looking at this year’s healthcare design trends, the overall theme seems to revolve around mental health as a whole. Healthcare facilities are very tuned in to the needs of their patients and their families, hoping to provide a warm, welcoming environment that feels more like a home, rather than a traditional hospital setting.

Whether you’re researching ideas for your facility’s renovations or just curious about the industry itself, keep an eye out for these healthcare design trends for 2022!

Mindful Floor Designs

It’s a daunting feeling, walking into a large, unfamiliar building – especially when you’re running late and there’s no one around to help you navigate the premises.

To help mitigate this feeling, designers are putting more focus on wayfinding.  It’s a concept suggesting that floors are not solely a means for walking, but they’re also a literal road map, helping you navigate to your destination. This can be in the form of color codes, arrows, patterns, symbols, or words.

In the era of social distancing, these layout designs give you a reliable and simple way of controlling traffic and helping people feel safe and confident that they’re in the right place.  

When planning your new construction or renovation, be sure to think through the entire project with a trusted partner who specializes in construction and design.

Home-like Atmosphere

Gone are the days of harsh, fluorescent lighting and stiff chairs in the waiting room – well, that’s the goal, anyway.

The people have spoken; they want a more comfortable environment when seeking healthcare.

For most families, a hospital visit – regardless of the reason – often causes undue stress and anxiety. With a welcoming, home-like vibe, patients can relax and focus on the task at hand: getting well.

However, form must follow function. Perhaps in your home you have a beautiful, one-of-a-kind tile showcased in the master bedroom. Although stunning, it’s likely not able to withstand the daily wear and tear that the floors of a healthcare facility must endure. There is significant foot traffic to consider, not to mention wheelchair and stroller accessibility.

That said, there are a plethora of options when it comes to suitable design alternatives. Consider commercial-grade hardwood floors or decorative concrete. Discuss your vision with a designer and make your dreams a reality!

Artwork and Thematic Designs

Another way to boost morale in your healthcare facility in 2022 is to add more artistic flare. This can be done in the form of thought-provoking paintings, murals, or simply by adding a few plants to liven up your space.

Art can also be functional, however. Consider the possibilities of adding decorative partitions in the waiting room or other common areas. Not only would this give your space some character, but it can also provide privacy for your patients and staff.

Partner with Rose Design Build

The sky’s the limit! The first step is choosing the right architect for your project. If you’re in the Kansas City area, consider Rose Design Build. If you can dream it, we can do it. Well, as long as it’s architecturally sound, of course. But leave that to us! Let us know what you’re envisioning, and we’ll make it happen.

Rose Design Build is Here to Help You

Creating energy-efficient buildings in Kansas City is the path to the future. Not only can building with energy efficiency in mind protect the environment, but it can also save owners a great deal of money.

Trust the experts at Rose Design Build to assist you in making your energy-efficient designs a reality. We provide construction services for business and commercial companies all across the Kansas City metro.

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