5 Reasons Your Construction Project Might Fail

Most Kansas City construction project failures come from improper planning, whether it’s mismanagement of budget, materials, or even resources.

Therefore, when you’re preparing for the next commercial or industrial build, it’s critical to assess and account for all aspects of the project. Whether it’s inadequate documentation or poor execution, there are important details that should be evaluated from the start.

Consider these major 5 reasons construction projects in Kansas City fail and how you can avoid them.

Inaccurate Project Estimates

One of the most common reasons a construction project may fail is due to inaccurate estimates. Whether it’s overestimated or underestimated, in the end, it ends up costing you more. Inaccurate estimates are typically caused by poor planning from the start. For successful execution, planning your construction project should go beyond creating a timeline.

To create a better estimate, consider all factors of the project like risk assessment, delivery of materials, and site logistics.

Unexpected Scope Creep in Construction

Perhaps one of the most common reasons commercial and industrial construction projects get off track is scope creep.

This happens when the project goes beyond what was initially intended in the planning and agreement.

Scope creep can be due to additional design requests, unforeseen conditions unknown at the time of the agreed contract, or even lack of site surveys or necessary permits. If the course of work changes,

Avoid scope creep by ensuring your architect and construction team understands your vision from the beginning. If you decide to add more work to the overall project, expect to allocate more time, budget, and materials into the overall build.  

Unreliable Construction Workers

Unreliable and unqualified workers not only severely hinder your project but may also tarnish your reputation.

If several workers call out sick or injured on the job, it can delay production and fail to meet your expectations and deadlines. As you search for potential construction partners be sure to ask who will directly be working on the project. What sort of experience do they have in the industry? Do they have client references?

Poor Communication

Good communication is imperative when planning and executing a construction project. On any given project there can be several parties and components involved. It’s important to have a proper chain of communication and have one person who holds everyone accountable for their duties and involvement.

For better communication strategies, seek a partner who works as a single source of responsibility for the overall project build.

Improper Project Planning

Successful construction projects are ones completed not only within budget, but on time. If not properly managed, a project can quickly go south and surpass schedule deadlines. Not only can mismanagement delay the current project, but it can also affect any future projects at hand.

When preparing for your Kansas City construction project, make sure there’s a dedicated project manager who can help oversee the project schedule to ensure timely execution.

How to Avoid Your Construction Project from Failing

To complete your project on time and on budget, partner with the Rose Design Build team. We work together as a single entity, sharing our knowledge and experience for more accurate planning, communication, and execution.

Connect with us to learn more about how we can help you save time and money on your next construction build in Kansas City.

Rose Design Build is Here to Help You

Creating energy-efficient buildings in Kansas City is the path to the future. Not only can building with energy efficiency in mind protect the environment, but it can also save owners a great deal of money.

Trust the experts at Rose Design Build to assist you in making your energy-efficient designs a reality. We provide construction services for business and commercial companies all across the Kansas City metro.

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